Witness paintings from our students

This video is called Artifacts of the Future and is an exhibit from our Musea Museum, featuring paintings from students who took our 2019 Medicine Painting Course called ARTIFACT. Continue reading for more paintings and personal shares from our students.

Taking Artifact allowed me to dive deep into my inner knowing, bringing forth a painting I never imagined I could create.

Ösi Anya - Ancient Mother
By Tina Llewellyn

This was an incredible journey that had me laughing and crying, reeling and, yes, swearing! What most surprised me was the release of unjustified guilt and the recognition that, if one of my ancestors had made one different choice, even the bad ones, there’s a good chance I wouldn’t be here! I’m a miracle and need to treat myself like one!

Eve’s Journey or..."You're an F’n Miracle!” By Virginia Masson

I was so surprised by how often I cried during this process. Layers of grief were released as I cried for myself, my children, all creatures and Mother Earth. All through this painting light wanted to shine and keep shining, a reminder to me to shine my light!

New Earth Rising By Lesley DuBroy

Artifact was a profound experience of new expression for me and brought in some new language. This has been the truest expression of my integrated being thus far! It brought to completion some old story remnants and crystalized in the physical, the beginning of the new. It also helped me solidify how I will deliver my Intentional Creativity teachings. What an adventure!

Return to Original Passion
By Joanna Lynn

The Intentional Creativity process gave me the space to work with my feeling of emptiness. It connected me to over a hundred other women, some of whom were also struggling, we deeply supported each other, witnessed each other, and held space for each other. These women are some of the most sensitive, respectful, and inspirational I’ve ever met. Your process is trusted here, you are trusted and loved exactly where you are.

Inné a tháinig sí By Emma Manchester

I am amazed by the depth of insight and clarity this process brought in a relatively short time. Artifact brought form to the mystical pool in my heart which connects to the Holy- something I had wanted to paint for years but couldn't make it work. Do the work... you will be so glad that you did.

Spirit Dancer By Sharon Handy

What is the message of this painting…what is her medicine?

A woman is immersed within her own amniotic fluids of Codex-Codes inside an egg/womb. Illuminated with Light language coding. She is boldly breaking out of her confinement while wearing her top-hat and walking/balancing on a red thread tightrope that is on fire. She becomes connected to the fire while also wearing a veil of flames as she is self-illuminating.

Within her body, her star codes reveal her essence. The patterns of her DNA, potential, soul work and life lessons are all there. And her lineage is strongly represented. Reaching her right arm up to receive the creative flow, the paintbrush in her hand is like a sacred antenna-wand she uses to direct the current, to illustrate with clarity of vision, using her artist's hands. Her body is a conduit for the flow to form frequency. In her left hand, she holds a ribbon streaming tambourine as she is reaching down to anchor in the rhythm of her heartbeat, and the energy of the earth. She moves to the beat of her own rhythms…and the clarity of what she is here to cause and create into form.

The Full Moon is beaming support while reminding her of her Intentions and lighting her path. The Watcher is looking within to observe a deeper perspective.

Yet undefined Orbs of Possibilities and karmic agreements are in her field and awaiting activation. The fire tightrope she is balancing on is immersed in and below the river of Flow, where Hydra lit the flare for her to find her way after she has rebirthed herself. And this is her Medicine!

She Who is Made of Stardust by Juniper Mainelis

I am allowing myself to be seen who I am, for the first time in my life, out of the closet spiritually. What a wondrous gift this process has been for my female spirit.

Who is she that cometh forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army in battle array?

By Leslie

There has been settling in my bones, an affirming acceptance of who I am, a more enthusiastic embrace of not knowing, and a stronger connection to that inner voice of wisdom. I found the need to encode things that happened in my life during the course into the painting in an even more intentional way than I had done before and it now holds powerful magic for me. I look at it and see who I am and my connection to all that is. And yes, it also still contains mysteries that I have no doubt will unfold in the coming years. Such an amazing, potent, and life-affirming course.

Fireweed Wisdom: Arianwen's Message By Becky Mackeonis

Through the twists and turns, figuratively and literally, came a deeper understanding in the importance of continuing to create spaces within myself and everyday life to dream and make things that matter to me. From life to life, hand to hand, maker to maker, the wisdom is alive and living. I would recommend anyone who is longing for a deeper understanding of themselves and the world they exist in to undertake the adventure of Artifact!

Dreamweaver: Creating Spaces to Dream By Maree Pilling

This process has given me a rhythm of life, a sense of purpose, excitement, and at times despair because the learning was intense at times, the result has been overwhelming. I feel fulfilled in ways I could not have imagined. My heartfelt thanks to you Shiloh and your team. I wholeheartedly recommend this evolutionary teaching.

Cosmic Whispers By Monica Wade

I continued the path taken in another Intentional Creativity experience. Throughout Artifact, I continued exploring inherited family trauma particularly that of my mother, and her mother before her... It was a deep deep dive down into the murky muddy depths, but amidst the muck, I found such gems there and a deeper understanding of where I am in all of this, the effect of it on me, and my own children. This has been an essential part of my healing process.

Ajna: She Who Sees By Heather Baker

What surprised me most was the revealing nature of the shadows! Such an incredible way to bring form onto the canvas. I loved the experience of painting energy in this way! Much love to Shiloh Sophia for sharing this gift with us!

Contemplating Star Dust
By Julie Lynn Ridenour